Sometime u are sad but u dont know the reason but sometime u sad and u know why and u can solve that but somtime u are sad and u know the reason of that but u dont konw what can u do to solve that and u cant told anybody and u have to laughing in front of everybody because they ask u what happend and u cant told them .......its bad situation that u dont know what can u do.....and u just can say that god help me just that and now I want to say that god please help me Im in bad situation very bad :(
The most of the people think alone because they think nobody attention them but this people are not alone they have best friend in their life . They have god,all people have god but they attention god a little.The lonely people have to happy for that and pray god .I LOVE YOU GOD
just one in your life can help you .......he is god .........and you have to pray him..............dont forget god............if you do the bad work god forgive you .........if you have problem in your life god help you then you have to pray him ...........I LOVE YOU GOD
The most of my friends think their family are not good friends for them while the best friend in their life are their family and in past I thought too but in during my life I understand they are the best friend for me but my frieds when understand this topic that their family not here |
I make this web just for two reason are : say thank to god and say thank to my father ........ I wish you love this weblog ...........good luck everybody .....have nice days in your life ...........thank for see my web